Aluminum Support Towers

Benefits of the contractor:

Complementary horizontal system made from aluminum stringer beams and joists.

Very strong aluminum beams allows big spans between the aluminum towers.

Gallery product

Dimensions and sizes

Horizontal dimensions

A variety of horizontal dimensions that enable flexibility in the design of the tower (optimal planning):

Height dimensions

A variety of height dimensions of the basic frame that enables optimal planning of the number of frames at height:

Lightweight and portable:

Lightweight, powerful and portable:

Complementary accessories

Aluminum frame

sizes: 1.20 m, 1.50 m, 1.80 m, 2.10 m.

Aluminum beam 14 cm

Aluminum beam 14 cm



Screw+Aluma lock A

Aluma Screw

Screw cup


Cross Brace

Wall head

Pin H

Railing bracket